Monday 10 December 2018

An Introduction

Hello, it's me.

I've been trying to figure out for a while now how to explain "who I am" and this is what I've come up, with but I'm sure in time what I write about will explain who I am more than this entry could.

As a young girl I grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere (otherwise known as the Australian Outback), I then moved to a house which was twenty minutes by car from Melbourne CBD and approximately five minutes from Melbourne International Airport. I also have a Diploma in Professional Writing and Editing (don't let it fool you into thinking this will be well written!), to get my Diploma I had to catch the train into the city nearly everyday and now know the streets of Melbourne almost as well as I used to know the trees and creeks on our farm. This was all three years ago now.

Now I live with my boyfriend, Sam, and his family in suburbia and barely visit the city anymore, mostly because I have a car and refuse to take public transport (anxiety is not fun). I also go and visit my parents on occasion, but as they live in the country side its over an hours drive; there is a beauty however to my parents living in the country, and its certainly their six cats(!!!) that I adore so much.

Living with my Sam is amazing and I love him so much. In April 2019 we will have been dating for three years, we spent our one year anniversary in London and it was here we exchanged promise rings (since lost, mind you) and I decided he was the one. Its not always been easy to love each other, and he drives me mad, but I couldn't imagine my life with anyone else. We have eight plant babies that I love watching grow, and surprisingly I haven't killed any yet.

I also assure you, no matter what it looks like in this picture, he doesn't have a beard like Abraham Lincoln.
September 2016
I'm also an Aries and bisexual. I like sketching, photography, reading, exploring new places, and I look forward to hopefully travelling next year.

I'm sure you'll hear all about those things though, there's plenty of writing to come.

♥ Kim ♥